RE/WE Sustainability

Hey Folks!

Did you know that Hong Kong sends over 390 tonnes of textile waste to landfill every single day? Yup, you heard that right - It's a whole lotta clothes! And the worst part? The number just keeps getting bigger and bigger every year.

So let's put on our upcycling hats and start getting creative with our old clothes - because nobody wants to be drowning in mountain of fabric.

"Can we handle pre-owned or defective clothes mindfully and creatively?

Is it possible to extend the lifecycle of fabrics? "

Our Mission

At our sustainable fashion brand, we believe that good fashion doesn't have to be complex. Our mission is to encourage a sustainable mindset and versatile styling, which we call "involving fashion," to unite stylish and eco-conscious individuals worldwide.

In addition to promoting sustainable fashion, we also urge our customers to adopt repair, reuse, and rework practices to prolong the life cycle of their clothing.

We are thrilled to see an increasing number of people embracing sustainable living, demonstrating our collective ability to reduce waste and create a positive impact on our planet. ♻️

Our Partners


Redress is a Hong Kong leading non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the fashion industry by reducing waste, promoting sustainability, and fostering circularity. Through innovative initiatives, education, and influential collaborations, Redress empowers designers, consumers, and industry stakeholders to embrace ethical and eco-friendly practices, raising awareness for a sustainable fashion future.

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